AN award winning actor who ordered a delivery from the Pool McDonald’s branch near Camborne was shocked to discover what he believed to be a bite had already been taken out of his burger.

Food reviewer Julian Seager, who goes by the name of HairyFoodyGuy for his Youtube food channel, opened the sealed packaging during the video and found what suspiciously looked like somebody had taken a bite out of his quarter pounder with cheese.

Julian, who runs the Youtube channel as a hobby, contacted McDonald’s customer service, and they asked for picture proof — so he sent them images of the bitten burger.

The fast-food chain said they are taking the matter seriously and are reviewing CCTV to see what happened.

McDonald's stated that food quality is of "utmost importance" and believe the ‘bite’ could be damage to the meat patty when the burger removed from the grill.

Julian, who splits his time between the USA and UK, appears in the Netflix hit show Vikings Valhalla as Jarl Gorm, Fisherman's Friends and has recently had a lead role in the political horror movie Election Night.

He has had roles on TV shows such as Bafta Award Winning Poldark, Miracle Workers, Cursed, Galavant and is a season regular for last 10 years on Doc Martin.

He also appears in movies such as Death Race 4, Scareycrows, Viking Legacy, Survivorz and a plethora of Independent Films. 

Julian said: “I support local Cornish businesses and still ate the burger as the channel is run with a sense of humour! 

“I thought I had a sense of duty to report it however. Mcdonald’s took it seriously and are reviewing CCTV to see what happened!”

David Wynne, who owns and operates 13 restaurants across Plymouth and Cornwall, said: “Food quality is of the utmost importance to us and we place great emphasis on quality control, following rigorous standards to avoid any imperfections.

"We would like to apologise to this customer for their experience and we understand they have contacted our Customer Services team and this issue has now been resolved.”