The semi-permanent public toilet block at Newquay Train Station is due to open for the tourist season after £19,300 funding was approved.

Newquay Town Council has voted to go ahead with the completion of the final phase of the Railway Station project, which will see the conveniences opened by the end of May.

The environment and facilities committee approved the funding from its public conveniences reserves and general fund at its recent meeting.

The £25,000 anti-vandal toilet block is due to be relocated on the site, so it faces the square, in a bid to reduce vandalism.

Landscaping work around the public conveniences is also due to be carried out.

The toilet block was put in place ahead of schedule at a temporary position on the site as work on the area had not been completed.

The town council opened the conveniences temporarily for the Boardmasters Music Festival in August but shut them shortly after when they were vandalised.

Cllr Andy Hannan said: “The railway station toilets were temporarily installed for the Boardmasters week whilst the rest of the site was prepared for their final positioning. 

“The last approved spend is to finish tarmacing the site and putting in permanent services. 

“Once this is done, we will move the toilets to their final position and open them in time for the summer season.”

Residents and holidaymakers have previously been warned it is the ‘last chance saloon’ for the toilets.

Cllr Hannan stated they will be removed permanently if they are vandalised.

The vandalism concerns follow the former old toilet block and temporary public toilets having to be closed to the public and demolished after repeatedly being damaged, which cost the local taxpayer thousands of pounds.

The council decided to provide public toilets at the train station one last time after receiving joint funding from the Boardmsters Foundation due to the amount of festival goers who arrive in town by train. 

The initial plan was convert the old toilet block and create the entrance on the platform side but the scheme was abandoned following concerns taxpayer’s money could be wasted as there are plans to improve the train station.