A controversial protest against the sheltering of asylum-seeking refugees at a Newquay hotel is due to go ahead today.

Authorities have asked people to stay away, but the protest is due to be held at the Beresford Hotel at the Narrowcliff at 11.45am.

Protesters plan to block the road in both directions outside the hotel – and concern about the demonstration has led to the organisation of a counter-protest.

Devon and Cornwall Police has said it will “facilitate peaceful protest”.

Cornwall Council has urged people not to attend the event.

And political parties have united in their condemnation of the protest.

A spokesman for the organisers of the counter-protest claimed the “far right are mobilising to come to Cornwall to target a hotel housing refugees” and added: “We will not tolerate fascism on our streets.”

On a poster, the organisers of the protest have said it is organised by residents and not associated with far right groups.

A Cornwall Council spokesman said: “We urge everyone to show warmth and tolerance to people residing in the Beresford Hotel Newquay, whilst they are lawfully and legitimately housed here by the UK government.

“The planned protests are not welcome and we call upon everyone to consider the circumstances of the individuals residing there. We encourage people not to attend the protests.

“The council, health agencies, charities, police and other partners continue to work together to ensure that every resident feels safe and secure in the town.”

A police spokesman said: “We are seeking to engage with the protest organisers. 

“Police will facilitate peaceful protest and use relevant legislation to keep communities safe. 

“We will continue to review any information received regarding this matter.”