MEMBERS of the Royal Naval Disposal Team and the coastguard have worked to dispose of a ‘training mine’ found in the water near Porthpean.

On March 11 at 1.16pm the team from St Austell Coastguard were called to a report of a large metal buoy that had been spotted floating in the sea.

Upon arrival the coastguard team met with the first informant who directed the team to the exact location of the object.

On inspection, the object appeared to look like a mine.

It was reported that scale and photographs were then sent to the coastguard’s operations room and passed on to the explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) specialists where it was decided they needed to attend – however, due to tide timings this would not happen until the following morning.

At 8am on March 3 four team members assembled at Porthpean to cordon off the area as the tide fell.

It was said that as soon as the object was seen to be breaking the water, the team could confirm that it was still in situ.

Explosive ordnance disposal then confirmed that the object was in fact a ‘mine’ but fortunately for all was an ‘inert training mine.’

Despite this, it still needed to be removed for safety. A plan was made to float the mine with the rising tide and tow it to Charlestown for removal.

Once at the harbour, the Royal Naval explosive ordnance disposal team and the harbour master’s team, along with HM Coastguard Rescue Team (CRT), ensured the safe removal to the Royal Naval vehicle.

A spokesperson from St Austell Coastguard, which is run by a team of volunteers who respond to coastal and maritime emergencies from Black Head to Lostwithiel and beyond, explained: “The team assisted the whole operation with exact location of the device, cordon control and reassurance to members of the public.

“Once again great interagency working (our visit to EOD came in handy) between RN, harbour master and HM CRT.

“We would like to thank all involved and the public for their patience and in particular the first informant who did exactly the right thing by calling us.”