Warm sunshine and bright blue skies greeted Chris Lock at Bodmin's Shire Hall yesterday (May 30) as he was awarded with a medal in honour of his 'tireless dedication in founding and establishing a major war memorial in Belgium'.

The former firefighter was invested with a British Empire Medal (BEM), by King Charles III's representative in Cornwall, the Lord Lieutenant, Colonel Edward Bolitho OBE.

The ceremony was also attended by Cllr Phil Cooper, the Mayor of Bodmin, Cllr Pauline Giles, Chair of Cornwall Council and herself a holder of a British Empire Medal in addition to Lieutenant General David Leakey, the former Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod (often shortened to Black Rod) and a number of dignitaries and invited witnesses.

For the full story, pick up a copy of The Cornish Times, Cornish and Devon Post or Bodmin Voice newspaper next week!