As the weather changes, Newquay Male Voice Choir is putting the summer behind it and preparing for autumn. 

The choir finished the summer on a high with a surprisingly enjoyable evening in some late summer drizzle at Padstow bandstand where they raised just over £300 for their 50th anniversary fund.  

This was followed by an evening at St Newlyn East Village Hall where, along with the St Dennis Ukelele Club Band and Oll an Gwella, they contributed to an evening of musical contrasts that will live long in the memories of those who were there. They raised the roof of the village hall while raising funds to repair it.

The choir’s next engagement is a concert celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Cornish Federation of Male Voice Choirs in St Petroc’s Church in Bodmin on 8th October at 7.30pm where they will be joined by Truro Male Choir, Tamar Valley Male Voice Choir and Wadebridge Male Voice Choir. 

The concert will raise funds for the Cornwall Air Ambulance Trust. It is in this concert that the choir plans to give its first public performance of their new piece of music, Bohemian Rhapsody. 

In 2024 the choir celebrates its 50th anniversary.  

“To celebrate 50 years of entertainment and fund-raising for community and charity groups in Newquay and beyond, we have a number of events and activities planned. 

Alongside a concert programme which is already filling up, we have commissioned a new piece of music, we are producing a souvenir 50th anniversary brochure, we will have an anniversary dinner in the Kilbirnie Hotel in February, we are spending a weekend together in South Wales in May and we are holding a grand gala concert in St Michael’s Church in November. 

“During the year we will be fundraising to support Prostate Cancer UK and have set ourselves a target of £5,000.” 

The choir is looking to raise funds to support some of these activities and in doing so to contribute to the total they can raise for the chosen charity. One of the ways in which they are doing this is by holding a series of prize bingo sessions at the Kilbirnie Hotel. The next is on Wednesday, October 4, eyes down at 2pm. There are refreshments, a raffle and free parking.  Another event has already been booked for 1st November. 

“We are also looking to involve local businesses in our anniversary year and we have on offer a range of sponsorship and advertising opportunities to help us with these projects and so support Prostate Cancer UK.

“We may come knocking at your door but feel free to contact me for more information and/or to take up an offer.”