A new documentary has been made to capture the community spirit at a Newquay coffee shop.

Newquay filmmaker Simone Steele of 6ixb Productions has created a film about Coffee on the Corner in Tor Road.

The documentary features some of its customers sharing what they personally get out of spending time at the coffee shop run by Claire Marginson.

Coffee on the Corner has hosted various support groups and talks including Georgia's Voice, Your Voice and Healthy Minds and Neighbourhood Watch.

A group called Conversation on the Corner was set up to connect people in need with appropriate support groups.The latest support group to take off is for parents and carers of neurodiverse children to provide a non-judgemental environment to have a coffee and talk about their challenges and to not feel alone. Other social events such as Paint and Plonk, and Boardgames evenings are planned, and a Book Club is being talked about.

Coffee on the Corner owner Claire (Submitted)

Simone said: “There was no script or rehearsal, and sometimes no warning, yet each person who took part in the film came across beautifully and it is obvious that their comments were straight from the heart. 

“Owner Claire is very proud of the community support that's already been offered and is keen for it to continue, as she mentions at the end of the film. Apart from all the groups held at Coffee on the Corner it is just a great place to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee and a slice of cake.”

To watch the film visit https://youtu.be/Xm-4t4CTCpY or on www.6ixb.co.uk. Anyone interested in talking to Simone about a film project can email [email protected]