Truro’s boy choristers are preparing to welcome more singers for their annual Chorister Experience Day.

Boys from Year 2 to Year 5 are welcome to book a free space on the event which runs on Saturday, January 21, from 12.30-3.30pm, and culminates in the Cushion Concert, where the choristers present a programme of music, joined for several items by boys on the Chorister Experience.

Parents are welcome to attend the concert, at 2.30pm.

Truro Cathedral has had choristers since opening its doors in 1887.

As well as upholding the tradition, the choristers represent Cornwall’s arts scene on an international stage, with live broadcasts on television and radio, and recordings with some of the UK’s leading orchestras.

In addition, they take part in special projects such as Grenfell: From Today, Sing2G7, and Britain’s Got Talent. Their new CD, recorded with the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, was released in November and after Easter they will perform on the Isles of Scilly as part of a four-day mini-tour.

Chris Gray, director of music at Truro Cathedral, said: “The event itself is a wonderful opportunity to experience what it’s like to be a chorister.

“Boys will get to know the choristers and what they do, stand in the beautiful choir stalls where they sing in the amazing space of the cathedral, explore the crypt where they rehearse, try on a chorister’s cassock and surplice and see and hear the mighty cathedral organ being played close up.

“And, of course, they will have the opportunity to learn music and sing along with the choristers.” 

The chorister programme is run jointly by the cathedral and Truro School.

All the choristers are educated at Truro School where they each receive a 25 per cent scholarship as well as being eligible for additional means-tested support.

There is a separate pathway for girl choristers.

• For more information and to book a place, email [email protected].