Tourism businesses are being invited to an event in Newquay to hear what the future looks like for the industry.

Saffron Academy, Cornish Traditional Cottages, and Your Partnerships have joined forces to create Tourism Together, which will be held at Saffron Academy offices in Tolcarne Road on Wednesday, February 7 from 9.30am to midday.

The event is solely for the hospitality, leisure, travel, and tourism sectors to come to meet and share experiences as well as hear from hospitality leaders about new legislation and the trends within tourism in Cornwall and across the UK.

There will be two key speakers at the event who are Alistair Handyside, MBE, Executive Chair of the Professional Association of Self Catering (PASC), along with Malcolm Bell, MBE, Chair of Visit Cornwall. 

Alistair Handyside the Executive Chair of the Professional Association of Self Catering (PASC) in the UK is focussed on business advice roles in IT, tourism, and the food and drink sectors.

Alistair specialises in business development and business turnaround. mediation,  lobbying, mentoring, and marketing.

Alistair is the Westminster representative for the West of England Catering.

Malcolm Bell, Chair of Visit Cornwall will be speaking about the Cornish tourism industry and the challenges and positives within the future of tourism in Cornwall and beyond.  

He understands and is helping develop the vision of sustainable, regenerative, and inclusive tourism.  

A question-and-answer session will take place following the presentations to exchange knowledge and experiences.

Charmian Licsauer from Cornish Traditional Cottages says, ‘We are honoured that Alistair and Malcolm will be joining us on February 7 to speak to Cornwall’s Tourism Businesses about: The new Fire Regulation changes that are coming into force.

“The challenges that are affecting the industry at this time and in the future in Cornwall and across the country.

“Claire from Saffron Academy and Charmian from Cornish Traditional Cottages have decades of experience within the industry so who is better placed to co-host the quarterly meetings?  

“The next meeting is on May 1 and plans are already afoot about the next topics to be covered.  

“They have always been passionate about developing skills and people to help with the future economy and promoting tourism is a career which can take people all over the world.”

Claire from Saffron Academy added: “Now the European Funding has been completed the industry which has been reliant on the funding in so many ways and years.

“Businesses are going to find training and developing staff even more of a challenge.  

“We all know that the first things that go when the bottom line is struggling are the training and marketing budget, which are two of the most important areas to grow your business and the team around you.  

“By attending the meeting we are looking at collaborative ways of working together to get the best value for money when developing our teams.’”