A Rugby World Cup star helped Camborne students celebrate their sporting excellence. 

Fiji international Sam Matavesi, who is a Camborne Science and International Academy (CSIA) alumni, attended its sporting and dance awards evening. 

The Northampton Saints hooker joined Lee Standen, the director of sport, on stage to present awards.  

Awards categories included most committed to CSIA sport, athlete of the year, young leaders, dancer of the year, team of the year, young rising stars, and the overall sports personality of the year covering the previous calendar year for both boys and girls across each year group.  

The main award for the evening, the sports personality of the year, was awarded to two students who are role models for their peers by showing an outstanding level of skill, leadership and enthusiasm, including full participation in extra-curricular activities, training sessions and fixtures. 

Video interviews were shown of the eight nominees before the overall winner was announced, with Jake Jenkins-Praill and Gina Eastman taking home the awards for 2023.  

Sam Matavesi (Submitted)

The school also handed out the Jimmy Smyth Cup for the first time – a special award for the student most committed to sport outside of school, named after Jimmy Smyth, a Year 9 student who sadly passed away on the April 14, 2021.  

Jimmy’s family attended the evening, donating a cup to the PE department to help celebrate sporting success.  

The winner of the Y10 most Commited to CSIA Sports,Piran E (Submitted)

A video was shared showing highlights of the school’s participation in more than 400 activities throughout the year, and performances of dance pieces took place between the awards being handed out.  

Matavesi was then invited to the stage, with students making the most of the opportunity to ask the former Cornish Pirates player questions about his career, competing in Paris in the autumn at the 2023 Rugby World Cup and successful transition to international athlete following his time at CSIA.  

Mr Standen said: “It is always a joy to bring the school together to celebrate successes, and we’re particularly proud of our sporting accomplishments.  

“Our PE fepartment work relentlessly and do an incredible job to provide opportunities to the students, and nights like these really highlight the breadth and variety of activities. 

“Congratulations to all our winners and thank you to Mr Matavesi again for his time, his presence meant a lot to both the students and wider school.  

“I would also like to thank all the supportive parents and carers in the audience, and finally to our students. Your love of sport, enthusiasm and determination to take part and compete has made this evening possible and enriched school spirit here at Camborne Science and International Academy.”