A GROUP of determined residents from Long Rock have saved their village hall from demolition. 

Residents approached Ludgvan Parish Council (LPC) who were the trustees of the Long Rock Memorial Charity with an offer of help to restore the hall when it was discovered that it could be removed and the land lost forever. 

Long Rock Residents’ Association (LRRA) was formed and Since January regular meetings with the trustees have been held. 

Ten members of the LRRA put their names forward and were voted in as the new trustees at the charity’s annual general meeting in November. 

At the first meeting a further two trustees were elected, which included chairperson Bev Richards, treasurer Neville Brown and secretary Lynn Claridge, with Heidi Sims, Christine Howlett, Stewart Dickins, Duncan George, Gill Sheppard, Julie Dickins, Rachel Oldcorn, Shirley Hosking, and Simon Watkins as the other trustees. 

A spokesperson said: “Following a survey of the village it was found that a majority of its residents are delighted that the village can have a hall again, which is a much-needed facility, and especially as it will soon see an increase in population when the 150 new houses are completed on the Morva Reach building project.”