The streets of Bugle were paved with gold when Dick Whittington took to the stage in the village hall last week.  

The show was Bugle Pantomime Group’s 46th production, and its first since 2020 due to COVID and other circumstances beyond the group’s control.  

A well-worn favourite, Dick Whittington was previously performed in 2009, 1991 and 1978. This year’s script was written by Ben Crocker. 

The cast included Sarah Wilson as Dick, Kym Curtin as Alice Fitzwarren, Anita Torres as Tommy the Cat, Chris Kellow as Sarah the Cook and Jake Moore as Idle Jack. The show was produced and directed by Jeremy Howland and Janice Stephens.  

“It was an amazing week,” said Janice Stephens. “It has been a very few tough months getting our group up and running again, and we faced a lot of challenges. I still quite can’t believe we actually managed to put a show on, but it all came together in the end.  

“We’d like to thank everyone who was involved in getting the panto up and running and who helped during show week, without whom it wouldn’t have been possible.  

“Thanks also to the audience for coming from far and wide to support us in keeping village pantomime alive, especially in the current economic climate. Without them, each night would just be another practice night. They were all fantastic, with boos, hisses and laughs in the right places.”