A planning application has been submitted to build 16 flats in Camborne Town Centre. 

The application is for 16 one and two bedroom flats on a site at Trelowarren Street in Camborne.

The site has previously been used for commercial shops along with storage and flats and is considered to be a brownfield site. 

A design and access statement submitted with the plans says: “We consider this site to be a good use of this piece of very untidy land used as sporadic parking that is difficult to police as the site is not easily accessed and overlooked from the shop units so therefore unauthorised parking and dumping is prevalent.”

It adds: “This property will give additional accommodation to help with the lack of housing in the area and Cornwall in general. 

“The one and two bedroom flats are the type of units that are in short supply in the Camborne/Redruth area for younger people to get on the housing ladder and for young families to upgrade to a two bed flat when their families grow with additional children.”

The plans can be viewed or commented on HERE.