There was lot of community spirit on show at Newquay’s community garden on Saturday as people gathered to help banish away bad spirits.

Newquay Orchard staged its annual Wassail celebration, which saw people banging of pots and pans and blowing of whistles to ensure the apple trees will produce a bountiful harvest.

The Wassail tree was soaked in cider and decorated in toast during the wassail parade.

The pagan ritual acts as a sort of blessing of the Orchard’s apple trees and to ward off evil spirits through banging and crashing and music. 

The event also included live entertainment from the Clams, face painting willow weaving and a traditional sing-along.

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Wayne Lenson from Newquay Orchard said: “In a display of community spirit and age-old traditions, Newquay Orchard's annual Wassail event captivated attendees with its unique blend of festivity and folklore. 

The event showcased a vibrant blend of customs created to promote good health and ensure a vibrant apple harvest.

“The Wassail, a ritual steeped in the Anglo-Saxon tradition, was brought to life with a cacophony of pots and pans, enchanting Wassail songs, and the symbolic offering of cider and toast to the apple trees. 

“This ritual believed to ward off evil spirits and ensure a bountiful apple crop, was performed with great zeal by the community members.

“The event was more than just a celebration.

“It was a demonstration of Newquay Orchard's commitment to fostering community ties and environmental stewardship and helped further cement its position as a community hub of joy and engagement seeing in 2024.  "It was brilliant to see so many people join us and take part in the Wassail. 

“For us, this is more than an event. It's a reflection of our community's spirit and our shared commitment to preserving and celebrating our traditions. 

“We're thrilled with the turnout and the atmosphere that was created.

“As the site gears up for a year packed with events including musical performances, fayres, and theatre shows, the Wassail stands out as a powerful reminder of the community's resilience and collective spirit.”

Video and pics by Newquay Orchard.