No injuries were reported after a tractor collided with a high-voltage electricity transformer near St Austell.

Fire crews from Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service's St Austell station were called to reports that a tractor had collided with an electricity transformer in Mevagissey during the evening of Tuesday, October 3.

Upon arrival, fire crews confirmed that no one had been trapped and injured in the incident, which led to disruption of power for 1,083 homes. .

National Grid reported that power was restored just after midnight.

A spokesperson for Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service said in the immediate aftermath of the incident: "One appliance from St Austell attended a call to a tractor that had collided with a high voltage electricity transformer. On arrival the crew confirmed no persons were trapped or injured and worked beside National Grid to keep the surrounding area safe whilst the power was isolated. Due to this incident, some properties in the area may have issues with their power supply. Further details on this potential outage can be gathered from National Grid."

A spokesperson for National Grid, which took over responsibility for the maintenance of power distribution after its purchase of Western Power Distribution in late 2022 added: "The incident was raised at 8:00pm Tue 3 Oct 23 affecting 1,083 properties. We successfully restored all supplies in the area by 12:02am this morning.

"We are sorry for any inconvenience that was caused by the power cut."