Newquay Rowing Club headed to Mounts Bay to attend their annual regatta last Saturday.

Approximately 30 clubs entered the event, but following some great racing by Newquay rowers, the club totals meant that they achieved first position and took the overall winners position. 

Results: Men’s A – 12th, Ladies’ A – 6th, Men’s B – 6th, Ladies’ B – 1st, Ladies’ Vets – 4th, Under-16s – 5th, Under- 14s – 6th, Mixed – 8th. 

The following day, crews headed to Daymer Bay to compete in Rocks’ annual regatta. On a hot and humid day and competing on a very long course, Newquay rowers performed amazingly, pulling in some fantastic scores and once again achieving first position and overall winners!

Results: Ladies’ Vets – 3rd, Men’s Vets – 2nd, Under-14s – 7th, Ladies’ B – 2nd, Men’s B – 1st, Under-16s – 2nd, Ladies’ A – 3rd, Men’s A – 6th, Mixed – 1st.

A spokesperson for the club said: ‘There’s been some fantastic rowing for the club this weekend. 

“We are so proud of all our coxes and rowers and, in particular, our junior rowers, some of whom rowed their first races.”