A Newquay business leader believes the Mid Cornwall Metro scheme will have a positive economic impact but argues there should be alternative plans rather than remove parking bays in the town centre.

Newquay BID manager Mark Warren says the rail improvements will help drive footfall into the town but that the proposal to take away 19 short term parking spaces along Cliff Road to make way for a new cycle lane would have a negative impact.

He said business owners should have been consulted before the plans were unveiled.

Businesses believe there are alternative routes for the cycle lanes through the alleyways behind Cliff Road or through Eliot Gardens rather than taking away the bays in Cliff Road.

A public consultation on the plans where people can give their feedback will be staged at the Hotel Victoria on Friday between 10am and 7pm and on Saturday from 10am and 4pm.

Businesses do not believe there is enough time to change the plans at this stage as work is due to start on the Mid Cornwall Metro scheme next year but they still propose to fight the plans.

Mr Warren said: “My overall view is the Mid Cornwall Metro is good for Newquay and will open up new improved transport links into with an additional 700,000 seats and additional footfall and will help in alleviating some of our parking issues in the peak summer months.

“That said the loss of parking to the Cliff Road business is not a good option and all other options around an alternative bike route should be considered.

“The business should have been consulted in advance on any risk to loss of parking as this can and will have a major negative impact on their businesses.”

Dirk Parker, the owner of the K2 gym in Cliff Road, said: “

“Cornwall Council are planning on removing all the parking spaces on Cliff Road in favour of a cycle lane as part of the Mid Cornwall Metro plans.

“These free parking spaces are the life blood of businesses for Cliff Road.

“Cornwall Council did an impact study which showed over 700 cars used these spaces in 48 hours.

“The vast majority of these cars were short stays which accessed Cliff Road businesses.

“That equates to 1,000 people every 48 hours.

“Cornwall Council are claiming this will not negatively affect businesses on Cliff Road. This is a lie.

“Cornwall Council have not contacted any businesses on Cliff Road. 

“I would urge residents or businesses on Cliff Road or a surrounding area to attend the public consultation and let their voice be heard.”