A new initiative is being launched to rid Newquay town centre of graffiti.

Newquay BID is joining forces with Kier Construction to help clean up the town following a spate of tagging on buildings.

They are now calling on people to highlight any graffiti they want removed.

Newquay BID manager Mark Warren is meeting with Fallon Hart, the social responsibility manager for Kier Construction, to devise a plan to target the worst hit areas.

Newquay Town Council and the Newquay Town Team will also be invited to get on board so that the graffiti can be cleared as soon as possible.

Tagging above Burger King (Picture Warren Wilkins) ( )

Mark said: “We will be looking at the worst effected areas of the town centre with graffiti issues.

“Her team have volunteered to work with us at no cost to support the reduction of graffiti in the town centre.

“Please report any locations where there are graffiti concerns  and  I will share that with Kier Construction.

“The partnership came about after I attended a 6th form business networking event at Treviglas Academy and introduced myself to the Kier Construction team who attended.

“I explained my role and it was mentioned that Kier support local communities  through a Social Responsibility team. 

“This led me to discuss the graffiti build up in Newquay and would they be interested in supporting us in cleaning up the town. 

“They are absolutely keen and committed to work with Newquay BID and I have asked Newquay Town Council and the Town Team to get involved so we can get the job done as soon as possible. 

 “We will predominantly be targeting the town centre but I’m hoping that this can become an ongoing partnership that may expand further out from the centre.

“We are meeting up to do a walk around and prioritise the worst affected areas.

“I must stress that this is not just a Newquay problem but a problem that all towns and cities face and having Kier involved and supporting us is a fantastic partnership for the businesses and the community.”

Anyone who wants to highlight any graffiti areas they would like to see targeted can email [email protected]