Derek Thomas MP has welcomed the news that the government has unveiled a £43-million package to help with recruitment and retention in social care across Cornwall. 

The fund will support the social care workforce and boost capacity in social care, in turn supporting the NHS ahead of winter and through into next year. 

The funding for adult social will help to improve recruitment and retention, boost workforce capacity and ensure a sustainable social care workforce fit for the future. It can be used flexibly based on local need, including to increase the fees given to care providers, which will enable better pay for care workers. 

A stronger care system will better meet care needs around West Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly and support the NHS for future winters, preventing admission to hospital and helping people to be discharged from hospital more quickly, cutting waiting times for A&E and ambulances. 

Of the country wide £600 million from the Next Steps to Put People at the Heart of Care plan, £570-million will be given to local authorities as ‘flexible’ funding to allow them to tailor it to benefit local needs. This could be by increasing the fees given to care providers, which will enable better pay for care workers, driving tangible improvements to social care for those who draw on it, or reduce pressures on the health system by increasing the capacity of social care and helping to bolster the sector ahead of winter. 

Mr Thomas said: “I am delighted that Cornwall has been awarded this money to improve the recruitment and retention of social care workers. Thousands of elderly and disabled people depend on these key workers and it’s important that they get the support and recognition for the work that they do. 

“The reforms will mean that more people can pursue rewarding careers in social care with nationally recognised qualifications and the investment in social care means more funding will to go to the front line. This matters, because support for our care workforce is the key to even better care.”