A popular St Ives gallery has announced an open call to find the best artists working across all media.  

The Livingstone Gallery in Westcotts Quay is looking the showcase paintings, ceramics, stoneware, textile, photography, prints and jewellery. 

 The gallery’s favourite 30 artworks will be celebrated at a private view at their gallery in late June 2024, during which Alicia Livingstone will choose her open call winner, and the gallery’s judging panel will choose three runners up.  The private view launches a commercial exhibition from which five artists will be invited to exhibit in a future exhibition in the gallery. 

Director and curator Alicia Livingstone said: “Our gallery is committed to representing the most exciting emerging artists and promoting their work to the public.  

“So many amazing artists are out there, creating innovative, striking, original pieces and we want to find them. 

“This open call celebrates making art and we welcome any artist, at any stage of their hobby or career.” 

Entry closes on March 30, 2024. The gallery will review of all submissions in April 2024 and notify all applicants with results by May 7, 2024.  

Full details are available on the gallery’s website: https://livingstonestives.co.uk/open-call-2024/