A ferry passenger admitted launching an attack on a member of staff in a dispute over a charge for his dog.

Ian Liston, 57, pleaded guilty to assaulting an employee of the Polruan to Fowey ferry. 

Cornwall magistrates were told Liston, a builder, got involved in a dispute on August 29 last year over the ferry charge for his dog claiming he knew the owner of the ferry. 

The court was told he punched his victim, who fell to the ground to try and escape the punches, and continued to punch him whilst on the floor. 

The victim said after the attack he went to the wheelhouse of the ferry in tears and, at a later date, handed in his notice as he had no confidence in dealing with such difficult situations. 

Liston, of Alexandra Road, St Austell,  was fined £769 and ordered to pay £150 compensation and a £308 victim surcharge.