A CORNWALL resident has been confirmed as one of seven aid workers killed following an airstrike in Gaza.  

Humanitarian group World Central Kitchen (WCK) has named James Henderson, 33, from Falmouth, who had been working as a member of the security team as the organisation provided food for those trapped in the conflict.

On April 2, a WCK spokesperson said: “The WCK team was traveling in a deconflicted zone in two armoured cars branded with the WCK logo and a soft skin vehicle. 

“Despite coordinating movements with the IDF, the convoy was hit as it was leaving the Deir al-Balah warehouse.”

WCK chief executive Erin Gore described the workers as “the heroes of World Central Kitchen”, adding: “Their smiles, laughter, and voices are forever embedded in our memories. And we have countless memories of them giving their best selves to the world. We are reeling from our loss.”

Truro and Falmouth MP Cherilyn Mackrory offered her “sincere condolences” to Mr Henderson’s family, adding: “It is an unacceptable tragedy for James to have passed this way many years before his time.

“I have received assurances from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office that the families of those impacted by this airstrike have been offered full support.

“I understand that the Prime Minister, Foreign Secretary and other relevant Ministers are pushing for a full, transparent and urgent report from the Israeli Government detailing exactly what happened and an explanation as to how they will make sure this never happens again.”