An earthquake is reported to have struck Cornwall during the night - with one witness reporting it sounded "like a large explosion."

People have been reporting rumbles and shaking in the wake of the quake, which was reported on the website, which chronicles seismic events.

The “earthquake or seismic-like event” was recorded 10.7km south of Redruth at 6.38am.

The event, so far unconfirmed, is thought to have registered around 2.6 on the Richter scale.

More than 30 people filed reports about the incident on website 

A Wendron resident said: “Heard a long rumble definitely not thunder. I’ve heard earthquakes before and this was very similar.”

Cornwall earthquake Feb 24 2023
Seismogram showing the time of the "earthquake" (

A householder in Constantine  “felt rumblings throughout the night. Didn’t sleep well and then a very loud rumbling and house shook at 0630.”  

In Ponsanooth, “I heard rumbling and windows rattled on upstairs level of house, while at Stithians a “bang and small rumble, like a train going past” were noticed.

There was “wall vibration throughout the house” in Helston, while at Brill, near Constantine, “a thump followed immediately by intense rumbling that shook my large heavy bed" was felt.  

Many respondents reported “very weak shaking”.