Students from Camborne Science and International Academy have achieved places at the regional finals of the Rotary Club’s ‘Youth Speaks Debate’ in both the senior and intermediate competitions.   

Six Nexus and Cornwall School of Maths and Science (CSMS) students travelled to Tavistock this month to compete against schools from all over Devon and Cornwall in the competition’s district finals. 

Both establishments are part of the Camborne Science and International Academy family, providing specialist education provision from Years 7 to 13.  

Teams were asked to prepare and deliver a short debate on a topic of their choice in front of both an audience and judging panel comprised of experienced adjudicators. 

After a tough 90 minutes of debate, both teams finished first in their category – a rare achievement for one school to become the district representatives across each level.   

Headteacher Emma Haase said: “The students wrote compelling arguments and were able to debate with confidence, humour and integrity. 

“The competition is wonderful for developing independence and discipline, so it’s wonderful to see our teams thriving and gaining valuable experience in speaking in a public platform on such important topics.”  

The victory qualifies the teams South West regional finals in Cardiff later this month.

The Camborne Science and International Academy students had previously triumphed in the inter-school and the local school competition level against Truro High, Richard Lander and Truro school, where the standard of debate was incredibly high. 

Mrs Haase added: “The speech preparation and rehearsals are very time-consuming and the commitment shown by these students to compete at such a high level is outstanding. 

“Each student has had to write their own piece ensuring it meets the strict criteria, then learn it entirely.  

“They have had to work as a team and overcome any nervousness of speaking in front of a large audience to enable them to deliver their speeches with conviction. 

“We could not be more proud of these students and what they have achieved – and wish them all luck in the regional finals in Cardiff at the end of March.”