Councillors are taking steps to try to prevent a repeat of the traffic delays and road closures that blighted Newquay during the summer. 

Cornwall councillors Kevin Towill, Louis Gardner and Olly Monk met with the area’s new highway manager Jack Thomas on Friday to try to ensure “traffic chaos” can be avoided next year when the holidaymakers arrive. The  councillors took Mr Thomas on a tour of the town to show him the areas where traffic queues regularly built up and caused misery for motorists. 

The gridlock was compounded by works at Bishops School on Trenninick Hill and at Tretherras School on Trevenson Road.  

The councillors reached agreement with Mr Thomas that there needs to be improvement with co-ordination when it comes to road closures.  

But it was recognised the severity of closures will not be an ongoing issue in future years. 

The councillors believe residents-only parking could also help prevent a lot of the problems. 

Cllr Towill said: “There has been a lot of disturbance to residents this summer. I feel this year has been a one-off.  

“There has been a lot of work outside schools during the height of summer which was obviously not an ideal time for locals but I think the local authority has taken that on board. 

“The overarching issue was parking. We highlighted the unsatisfactory parking review carried out in 2017. The consensus was that the piecemeal implementation at Ennors Road has not been successful and that a co-ordinated town-wide approach is needed if residents-only parking is to be introduced.”