Max ‘Bomber’ Browning of St Columb Boxing Club beat Joseph Draper of Bridport on a unanimous decision at the Sturminster Newton boxing show.

Youth boxer Max went into the bout 3kg lighter than his opponent but was really keen on giving Draper a display of how to hit and move, keeping out of the way of the heavier opponent over hand rights.

The first round went really well for Max as he looked relaxed and untroubled with the big swings from his opponent by making him miss and counter punching with ease.

It went so well his coach Paul Doust instructed him to stick with what was working for him for the next two rounds, at the end of the bout Max’s hand was raised for the win by unanimous decision.

At Plymouth’s Home Park, 13-year-old Jarvis Hazeldine boxed Gerard Connors of Barton Hill at the Devonport boxing show.

Jarvis boxed really well, pushing his opponent all the way, landing clean accurate shots, from a very high tempo bout it ended up a tight last round.

Jarvis didn’t get the decision on a closely fought contest but finished with a big smile on his face, asking coach Charlie Scott when his next fight will be.

Coach Paul Doust said the wins are now coming for the newly formed club in only in its second season of competition.

He added: “It’s a great effort from everyone involved with the club and the wins should start coming more often as the club has a large junior section coming through with a lot of talent.”