The historic Trenance Cottages in Newquay is staging a free open day to showcase what it offers and provide people the opportunity to support the charity.

Mavis Hagger, who was evacuated to the cottages during the Second World War, will be the special guest at the event, which will be held on Wednesday, September 20 at 11am.

Mavis will be describing what it was like living in the cottages between 2pm and 3pm.

Mavis Hagger (Submitted)

There will also be photographs and stories about the cottages, which will be displayed for the first time.

A spokesperson said: “We saved Trenance Cottages, now we need you to help keep them open.

“It’s a special open day and we have a special guest!

Mavis Haggar returns to recall her wartime childhood as an evacuee at Trenance.

"Come and meet her to hear her story.

“Read about our history and hear how you could play a part in our story.

Photos and stories are being displayed for the first time.

“Join us for coffee, tea and cake on the house.”