Do you have a coat that’s clean and in good condition that you no longer need? 

Rotary clubs in South East Cornwall are working together, collecting winter coats to help the vulnerable keep warm this winter. All sizes needed, from infant to adult. 

Put your unwanted coat in one of the collection boxes during the months of October and November. 

A spokesperson said: “Our volunteers will then collect and inspect each garment to ensure it is clean and in a suitable condition to be given away.

"The coats are distributed via local homeless shelters, refugee centres, organisations supporting the elderly, women’s refuges, children’s centres and other charities helping people in crisis.

"We do not give coats direct to families, because we firmly believe that the charitable organisations can identify support and resources to benefit those in need or signpost them to organisations that could help, thereby creating a lasting relationship between those in need and the organisation that could transform their lives.” 

The location of coat collection points will be announced soon.