Cornwall Birds (CBWPS) have announced that a pair of marsh harriers have successfully bred at their Walmsley Sanctuary reserve.

The pair are now raising three youngsters which fledged this month. 

There are very few breeding records of this species in the county, and this is the first around the north of Cornwall. 

A spokesperson for Cornwall Birds said: “It is a sure sign that the careful habitat management carried out by reserve warden, Adrian Langdon, his dedicated team of volunteers and our partners at Cornwall Wildlife Trust are paying off and we would like to thank them for all of their hard work. 

“We would also like to thank our members and Walmsley visitors for their understanding whilst we withheld records of these marvellous raptors during the summer months in a bid to minimise disturbance and other negative factors whilst they settled and nested. It is greatly appreciated.”

Access to Walmsley Sanctuary, which is on the Camel Estuary, is for CBWPS members only. 

Members who wish to visit the reserve to watch the marsh harriers are asked to do so from their tower hide.