Detailed plans have been submitted for the second phase of a major development of 310 new homes on land at Helston. 

Persimmon Homes has submitted the reserved matters application for the development on land at Clodgeys Lane and Gays Hill.

Outline planning permission for the overall development was first granted by Cornwall Council in 2015 and the new application sets out the details of the proposals including the design and layout of the new homes. The current plans are phase 2 of the development known as HX2 in Helston.

One key concern about the original plans was the impact noise from the nearby Flambards theme park could have on new residents. 

A design and access statement explains that a new woodland has been planned for the border between the development and the attraction which will act as a buffer for noise from the rides at the theme park.

The development will include 82 affordable homes (25% of the total) which will be a mix of affordable rent and shared ownership. The affordable rent properties will include eight one-bed apartments; seven two-bed apartments; three one-bedroom houses; 20 two-bedroom houses; 12 three-bedroom houses and four four-bedroom houses. The shared ownership properties include 15 two-bedroom houses and 13 three-bedroom houses.

The open market homes include 76 two-bedroom houses; 105 three-bedroom houses and 47 four-bedroom houses.

In addition the development will also include parks, natural space, sport pitches, children’s play areas and allotments.

A design and access statement says: “The site provides a unique opportunity to create a new neighbourhood for Helston, with a choice of homes and provision of areas of truly accessible public open space, whilst improving public access across the site and the wider pedestrian and cycle network.”