Ladock Women’s Institute member, Rowena Castillo-Nicholls is the winner of the Greeves Cup Photography Competition 2023 with her Cornish chough photograph.  

The award was presented by Edward Bolitho, the Lord Lieutenant, HM The King’s representative in Cornwall and the Lieutenancy at the Cornwall Federation of Women’s Institutes Annual Council Meeting in the Hall for Cornwall. 

Rowena went up the stage five times to collect her trophy and certificates, including best entry overall (the Greeves Cup), first place in the animals class, seconds in the action or movement and novice class, and third in my favourite photograph class.  

“I am a nature and wildlife enthusiast – I just want to capture the beauty and wonder of what I see through my lens,” she said.  

Ladock WI was also the Social Media Competition winner 2023 with a website and social media presence designed by Rowena, who received the award on behalf of the branch.   

“Our website and social media have been an excellent way for communicating and engaging our members and the public,” she said.