A CRITICAL care paramedic from St Austell completed the London Marathon on Sunday (April 21) in his full Cornwall Air Ambulance kit.
Paul Maskell, who represents Team GB in the 24hr Ultramarathon World Championships, completed the 26.1 mile run in two hours, 53 minutes and 14 seconds.
He was raising vital funds for the charity’s #HELi2 Appeal, which aims to raise £2.85-million to help secure a second AW169 helicopter for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, boosting the resilience of the service and helping the crew to attend more missions by air, and to save even more lives.

A spokesperson for Cornwall Air Ambulance said: “A massive congratulations to our very own Critical Care Paramedic Paul Maskell who ran the London Marathon in his full kit.
“And a huge well done to the six other wonderful runners who also took on the 26.1 mile challenge in aid of Cornwall Air Ambulance.
“Your support enables the crew to continue helping those who are critically ill or injured. Thank you.”
People can support Paul’s fundraising via his Just Giving page, which can be found by visiting www.justgiving.com/page/paul-maskell-1710953904682