A Newquay secondary school has been rated as ‘good’ by Ofsted inspectors.

Newquay Tretherras was commended for being “ambitious” for all its pupils and planning an “ambitious” curriculum.

Ofsted inspectors visited on January 30 and 31 and they concluded: “Newquay Tretherras continues to be a good school.”

The inspector said: “Newquay Tretherras is ambitious for all pupils, and students in the sixth form, to ‘achieve highly, communicate convincingly, engage fully and decide wisely’. 

“The school has carefully planned the curriculum and wider activities so that pupils can develop these skills and attributes. Pupils behave well at this school.

“The school has high expectations for pupils’ behaviour, attitudes and involvement in school life. However, it does not always consistently uphold these expectations. This has led to some pupils feeling that systems are unfair.

“Leaders are taking steps to communicate with pupils, parents and staff to build confidence in the school’s procedures. The school is keen to provide pupils with a voice in school life.

“A school council, led by senior students, discusses and suggests changes to improve the school further. The school provides a range of opportunities to develop pupils’ talents and interests. 

“Pupils perform in school concerts, compete in sports and complete personal challenges such as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. The school has planned an ambitious curriculum.

“Pupils’ knowledge and understanding build over time so that they are successful in examinations and develop skills for life. The school has planned formal assessment opportunities within the curriculum.

“These enable teachers to check pupils’ understanding. Activities are planned within lessons to help pupils to recall their learning.

“However, sometimes, these activities do not accurately identify the gaps in pupils’ knowledge. The school has developed an effective literacy curriculum. 

“The school identifies the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Students with SEND are particularly well supported in the sixth form. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.”

However, the Ofsted inspectors have stated Newquay Tretherras has areas where it could improve.

They said: “Assessment strategies sometimes do not accurately identify the gaps in pupils’ knowledge or understanding.

“This means that some pupils do not receive the support they need to learn the curriculum as well as they might.

“The trust should ensure that assessment is used to inform teaching so that it closes the gaps in pupils’ knowledge. 

“The school’s high expectations for positive attitudes towards learning are not always realised in all areas of school life. 

“At times, lapses in pupils’ behaviour or attitude towards their work are not addressed consistently. 

“The trust should ensure that pupils, parents and staff have a collective understanding of the expectations and the systems in place to support pupils to meet them.”