A new marine trail was opened at the weekend but the Cornwall Wildlife Trust.

The Mounts Bay Marine Trail offers a variety of fun and educational experiences and activities, including rockpool rambles, wildlife spotting, art, films and even two-minute beach cleans. 

Visitors are able to learn about and experience the history, heritage, wildlife and people of Mounts Bay.

The trail was funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and is the culmination of Cornwall Wildlife Trust’s ‘Your Shore’ project activities in the area. It runs along the iconic coast path between Newlyn and Marazion and is accessible to cyclists, dog walkers and wheelchair and mobility scooter users.

Claire Dickinson-Knight, youth engagement officer at Cornwall Wildlife Trust said: “We have been overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and creativity of those we have been working with and the generosity of businesses who are so passionate about this area, sharing it with others but also taking steps to raise awareness about how we can protect it.

“A key aspect of the project has been working with young people from all backgrounds living in the area to connect with our coastal environment through fun activities that focus on improved wellbeing, appreciation for nature and awareness of conservation issues.

“Working with a range of groups we have delivered over 250 sessions, engaged with over 6,000 young people and created the Your Shore Award scheme for all ages and abilities to explore the world of wildlife conservation.”

The large crescent bay has stunning views and provides a haven of rest and feeding for rare migrating birds and megafauna such as whales and dolphins. The island of St Michael’s Mount is surrounded by a 12km² Marine Conservation Zone which is home to many habitats including lush seagrass beds, where rare beauties such as the stalked jellyfish and giant goby can be found.

The rocky shores have an amazing array of weird and wonderful marine life which can be discovered with just a little bit of curiosity; the handy information board at Battery Rocks shows what to look for and how to do so responsibly.

The Cornwall Wildlife Trust team have been working closely with Your Shore Network member Mounts Bay Marine Group to provide new skills, support members and foster relationships with other stakeholders, enabling them to continue to be a part of the community and inspiring conservation action.

Jubilee Pool in Penzance is one of the local businesses that have been involved in the project, working with the local Your Shore group and local community groups.

Karis Musser, outreach coordinator at Jubilee Pool said: “The Marine Trail is a brilliant idea as thousands of people use this coast path each year, enjoying the view of the bay, but without any idea of the fascinating and fragile ecosystem along the shoreline and just beneath the waves. 

“At Jubilee Pool we get lots of questions about sea creatures, weather, and our unique environment. Cornwall Wildlife Trust is key in helping educate families and young people about the value in understanding and respecting the natural space around us.”

• For more information about the Mounts Bay Marine Trail, visit www.cornwallwildlifetrust.org.uk/mounts-bay-marine-trail