Thanks to kind donations and fundraising for RCHT Charity the renal ward at Royal Cornwall Hospital’s NHS Trust has been able to fund a home haemodialysis training suite.
This has the potential to transform patient’s lives as they will no longer have to come into hospital multiple times a week for dialysis.
Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust renal consultant Mr Jon Stratton said: “Home haemodialysis is a really important thing that we do.
“To train everyone to be ready to go we needed a new area to be built. Thanks to charitable funds we’ve refurbished a room into a home haemodialysis training suite.”
Sharon, who officially cut the ribbon and opened the unit alongside RCHT chief executive office Steve Williamson, has been on dialysis for two-and-a-half years. She’s now able to dialysise at home.
“It fits into my family life and for me it’s lovely,” she said.
“My daughter trained as my partner and we find it really easy.
“This has changed my life completely. I feel that I have more energy and I no longer need to come in four times a week.”
RCHT Charity community fundraiser Lynne Lees added: “We’re all immensely grateful to everyone who supported this fundraising. A profound difference has been made to our patients and to the people of Cornwall. Words are quite inadequate to express our gratitude.”