A landlord is celebrating 20 years at the same pub in Bodmin. 

When Steve Hall, 59, became the publican of the Hole in the Wall in 2003, it was his first entry into the pub business.

He said: “I’d never pulled a pint before, but the moment I walked into the pub and saw the old ceiling, it was love at first sight. I had to have it. I felt it could be magical. Given its charm it was always going to be popular, which it is.” 

Steve has guided the Crockwell Street pub, which he says has ‘a community village mentality’, through various challenges during the past two decades, including the smoking ban, licensing changes, recessions, the coronavirus pandemic and, most recently, staff shortages and the cost-of-living crisis. 

Steve said: “We’ve had difficult times and gone through some of the most traumatic changes to the industry. But we were able to reset the clock during covid. In the last three years we will have notched up two out of three of our best performing years.”

Over the 20 years, the pub  has employed more than 100 members of staff and raised over £20,000 for good causes including the RNLI, Help for Heroes and Bodmin Lights. 

Steve has been recognised for his long service with a presentation by the pub’s owners, Star Pubs and Bars. Area manager Andy Spry said: “The Hole in the Wall may be an institution, but so is Steve. He lives and breathes the pub and is a superb host. I wish him many happy years ahead.”

The special occasion was also marked with a community celebration. 

Steve said: “I have no intention of retiring just yet as I still love what I do and seeing happy, smiling faces.”