Residents of Cornwall’s capital city were given the chance to see the plans, including CGI mock-ups, and have their say on four key projects being developed through the Truro Town Deal in partnership with Cornwall Council.

Improvements to Newham, Boscawen Park, Lemon Quay, Truro Harbour and Malpas were on display yesterday in Truro Methodist Church.

In June 2021 Truro was awarded £23.6m of the Government’s Town Deals funding. The city will see a number of developments to improve the city and its economy, including plans for a Truro community hub, green transport links, The Hive at Pydar, new life for buildings in the city centre and a Boscawen Park sports and recreation hub.

The presentation shone a spotlight on the areas around the river, with two bridges, probable pop-up riverside restaurants, changes to roads and upgraded pedestrian and cycle connections to create a healthier and more sustainable travel network.

The Lifting Bridge: The Truro River Loop is proposed to be linked by a new ‘bascule’-type lifting bridge which will connect Lighterage Quay at Newham with Boscawen Park. It will allow the use of ferries, pleasure boats and commercial operations up the river including the possibility of a pop-up restaurant / café, and will provide a continuous pedestrian and cycle route loop around Truro.

Lighterage Hill: There will be a new pedestrian and cycle crossing linking to the Newham Trail, with a new pavement for walkers and cyclists running from the fish factory corner to the start of the trail. The road will be realigned for better sightlines and safety, with a walking and cycle route to the new bridge.

Malpas Road: The key focus on Malpas Road, the highway leading to Boscawen Park, is the reduction of vehicle speeds and to look at improving movement for walkers and cyclists.

The use of traffic lights on the narrow stretch between Pendeen Road/Trevelva Road and the park is being considered, reducing the risk of cars driving on to the pavement which is a current problem.

One of the most visual changes is the creation of a ‘rain garden’ public space in place of the Pendeen Road roundabout, which will be transformed into a junction and green space. Planting, seating and ‘street furniture’ will transform this approach to Malpas. The garden will aid drainage at the bottom of the hill and support new habitats. There will also be a 20mph limit along Malpas Road.

Morlaix Avenue: The crossing and junction at the entrance to Malpas Road from Trafalgar roundabout would be redesigned to reduce traffic speed and make it safer for pedestrians and cyclists. A ‘public realm’ breakout area with pedestrian crossing will be created in the area beneath the steps leading to Truro School.

The pavement around the corner leading from Malpas Road to Morlaix Avenue (near BBC Radio Cornwall) will be extended, with minor narrowing of the road, to create a shared space for walkers and cyclists. Alterations to the bridge parapets will have to be made to make it safer and fitting designs are currently being looked at.

Town Quay: The quay will be redeveloped to make it more appealing as a public area. It will be linked to Garras Wharf car park by a pedestrian bridge to improve the Truro loop and visibility of the river. The harbour office will be renovated and there will be new commercial opportunities for small businesses, with the likelihood of a pop-up restaurant / hospitality business. There would be improved use of benches, street furniture and lighting with newly planted trees and landscaping.

Lemon Quay: This much-criticised open space will be enhanced with the planting of trees (possibly white and rose cherry) on either side, better seating and street furniture, and improved lighting at night which could include floor projections. The design will make better use of the original ‘ripples from a stream’ layout.

There would also be buried power points throughout the quay to allow for better staging of events and commercial uses.

The schemes’ proposed chronology

* Summer 2024: Lemon Quay, Town Quay Harbours Office and green transport projects to start.

* Winter 2024: Lemon Quay and Town Quay Harbours Office projects completed. Town Quay Bridge project starts.

* Spring 2025: Lighterage Bridge project starts.

* Summer 2025: Green transport project completed.

* Autumn 2025: Town Quay Public Realm project starts.

* Winter 2025: Town Quay Bridge and Lighterage Quay Bridge projects are finished. Lighterage Public Realm project starts.

* Autumn 2025: Town Quay Public Realm project starts.

* Summer 2025: Green transport project ends.

* Summer 2026: Lighterage Public Realm project is completed.

City councillor and former Mayor of Truro Bert Biscoe, who was present at the public engagement event when we attended, said: “It’s important to remember that this is only two-sevenths of the Truro Town Deal schemes. Other projects will also have transformational and meaningful impacts on the city.”

You can see more details of the plans and leave feedback at