The historic Victoria Inn in Perranuthnoe can say they serve the best roast in Britain after winning a national competition.

The pub took the top award in the Knorr Professional’s 2022-23 Great British Roast Competition.

The awards seek to recognise the best roast dinners across the country and honour the professionals who create them. Finalists were scored on quality, service, cleanliness, value for money and taste.

The Victoria Inn is reportedly one of the oldest pubs in Cornwall and won the meat category with a dish of sirloin Cornish bees served with Yorkshire pudding, buttered kale, honey glazed carrots and parsnips, swede mash, creamed leeks and cauliflower cheese swerved with rich gravy.

The pub’s general manager Mo Johns said: We are so proud and excited to have won this national title.

“Our head chef Olly Stains and his brilliant team cook an amazing roost. It’s a result of a lot of hard work and attention to detail. They have  a passion for cooking and take care in everything they do.

“Everything we buy is fresh and local. Feedback about our meat roast is phenomenal. Customers come back again and again, some reserving the same tables every weekend.”