CHEQUES to the total of £3,000 were donated to two groups at an annual general meeting.  

The Friends of Pencarrow, a volunteer group associated with the Pencarrow House and Gardens, near Washaway, held their meeting on March 6.  

After formal proceedings, two beneficiary groups from the group’s recent ‘snowdrop’ fundraising weekend attended to receive their cheques. 

Bodmin Hospital League of Friends received £1,500, with the cheque being presented by Shirley Kent and Peter Brandreth to Susie Gore. 

The second cheque, also for £1,500, was presented to Elliott Osbourne and Emma Burt, the chair and manager of Concern Wadebridge, operators of the Betjeman Centre, with Shirley Kent presenting the cheque to the duo.  

Pencarrow Gardens are now open to visitors for the season with the adjoining house open daily except for Saturdays from March 25 between 10am and 4pm.  

The next special event at the venue will be a Bluebell and Garlic Sunday, to be held on April 28.