Members of St Austell and Fowey Lions Clubs attended a presentation at the Ship Inn, Par, about the group Cornwall and Devon Sending Love to Ukraine. 

Members of The Inner Wheel and the general public were also present, along with some Ukrainian guests.   The group was set up shortly after the invasion by Callington taxi driver Darren Tait, and very soon an ever-growing number of volunteers were assembling to collect, pack and drive aid to the Poland-Ukraine border on a monthly basis.  Almost 19 months on, the self-funding group has delivered 147 vans and five ambulances full of medical and humanitarian aid, over 16 trips, averaging every five weeks, including the Christmas period. 

Each trip takes five days, crossing six countries and 2,500 miles.

Callington Lions Andy and Emma Burnard are now collecting from 25 district Lions clubs from Penzance to Bristol, as well as helping at the collection centre in Callington and driving aid to its destination. 

After the presentation, the group was given a van load of supplies to take on their next trip which leaves today, including sanitary items, nappies, sleeping bags and more. 

St Austell Lions will be hold its next collection for Ukraine this Saturday between 10am and 11.30am in the car park of St Mary’s Church, St Blazey Gate.

Items particularly requested include warm children’s clothing, nappies, feminine hygiene products, sleeping bags, small tents and paracetamol.