A talented Newquay chef has tasted success after winning a prestigious award whilst battling illness.

Mo Miah from Zaman’s Restaurant in Henver Road has been crowned the UK’s International Bangladeshi Masterchef champion after coming out top against more than 500 chefs in the national competition.

He was shortlisted as a one of 16 finalists in the cook off competition after submitting a menu that is unique to Bangladeshi cuisine.

But after being on dialysis for two years with renal failure and having a kidney transplant on September 25 Mo was unsure if he would be able to take part in the cook off due to isolation restrictions.

He was given the all clear to take part three days ahead of the competition hosted by Northampton College and wowed the judges with his menu.

For starter Mo made Sita-Fita Bortha, which is a traditional snack floral shaped pancakes, and for the main course he made Sorisha Seabass, sea bass fillet roulades.

A panel of judges on various skills of knowledge, hygiene, presentation, time management and taste and flavour and after blind tasting the scoring was done on a point system. 

Mo was crowned champion at the International Bangladeshi Masterchef awards ceremony staged at a banqueting hall in Birmingham, which was attended by more than 1,000 people.

Mo's award (Submitted)

Read more in next week's Newquay Voice.