A charity in a Cornish town that is helping to tackle the cost of living crisis has received a £2,000 cash boost.
The Old Bank Camelford is delighted to have been awarded the donation from the Morrisons Foundation.
When all three banks closed in the town, the landlord of the old NatWest building in Market Place made it available for community use. This led to the Old Bank team establishing their charity in 2016.
More recently Camelford Community Larder has joined up with the Old Bank.
The Old Bank offers cooking classes that enable people to cook healthy meals on a budget and it also provides a community space at affordable prices for local groups, running regular activities such as quiz nights and art classes, and for events.
Thanks to the support from the Morrisons Foundation, the Old Bank will be able to stock additional fresh food and hygiene products for the community larder service.
The community larder can be a lifeline for residents and families facing hardship who don’t qualify for food bank support.
Tina McGrath, trustee of the Old Bank, said: “Nobody should have to worry about where their next meal is coming from.
“Our community larder offers food, toiletries and everyday household items to anyone who is in need from all around our community.
“We run a regular food club every Wednesday and fresh food stock-ups every Saturday.
“This generous donation from the Morrisons Foundation will ensure that we can continue to provide fresh goods and give support to people who need it most.”
Martin Henderson, the Community Champion from the Morrisons store in Bodmin, presented the donation to the charity, saying: “I’m very proud that we’ve been able to support the vital work of the Old Bank.
“The cost of living crisis has hit us all hard and this grant will make a massive difference to families in food poverty. It’s great to be able to help such a worthy cause.”
The Old Bank can be contacted via email on [email protected] or visit oldbank.org.uk/