CAMPAIGNERS have demanded Marazion is delivered at least a one hour mobile postal service each week. 

Cross party politicians, the mayor of Marazion, residents and local business owners handed over a 2,787 signature petition to the area manager of the Post Office. 

The campaign follows the owners of Cobble Corner, which had hosted a Post Office counter since the Post Office shop closed in 2012, deciding to pull down the shutters and close for good last year after the shop was put up for sale as well as the ongoing Horizon scandal.

An online and in-life petition was established asking residents, businesses and visitors to lend their support in asking for a fraction of the services that once served the town. 

Marazion Town Council believes the Post Office should provide similar services to their town, which Newlyn and Mousehole receives.

Newlyn receives three hours and 45 minutes of mobile postal service twice a week whilst Mousehole gets 75 minutes a week of mobile postal service a week.

Campaigners argue Mousehole has half the population of Marazion, and both villages have far fewer than the estimated 350,000 tourists that visit Marazion and St Michael’s Mount each year.  

The Post Office has previously told Marazion that its policy is that they only add mobile services to areas that are not within two miles of another Post Office. 

Campaigners have debunked the claim as Newlyn is 0.9 miles away from both a Post Office and a sorting office.  

MP Derek Thomas; Cornwall councillor John Martin, Mayor William Collins and the 83 year old resident David Walsh, who set up the petition, presented the names to Cathryn Gee, the area manager for the Post Office Ltd on Monday, April 22.

The handover was staged outside of Cobble Corner where the last Post Office counter met its demise. 

David said: “For anyone in Marazion without a car, the journey to use Post Office services can take almost two hours.

“It is stupid that Newlyn and Mousehole can get better access to Post Office facilities when Marazion has a larger population than Mousehole and more people visiting than Newlyn.

“The Post Office should think long, hard and then act on giving Marazion a Post Office in some form.” 

Cllr Collins added: “The elderly and the most vulnerable are the people who are least likely to have easy access to transport and yet are the most likely to use Post Office services.

“Given the Horizon scandal, you would have thought the Post Office would bend over backwards to try and improve their reputation with local people in anyway that it could think of. 

“Offering postal services to Marazion would be a perfect step to trying to improve the damaged Post Office brand.”