A Newquay businessman behind an online divorce company has endorsed the government's decision to halt the increase in divorce court fees.

James Brien from Easy Online Divorce states the move aligns with its mission to provide “compassionate” and “affordable” legal assistance.

The government has decided not to raise the divorce fee from its current rate of £593 after consultation and feedback, which highlighted concerns about the impact of increased fees on access to justice, particularly for women and lower-income individuals.

James believes the decision ensures that the financial barriers to obtaining a divorce will not escalate, “maintaining fairness and accessibility in these crucial legal services.”

He said: "This decision reflects a practical, common-sense approach to maintaining fairness in the justice system. 

“Divorce can be one of the most challenging experiences in a person's life, and the financial strain of increased court fees would only exacerbate this stress, particularly for the most vulnerable in our society.

"By halting the fee increase, the government has shown a commitment to upholding justice and preventing additional barriers for those seeking to exit loveless or abusive marriages. 

“The announcement is a victory for all, ensuring that no one across England and Wales remains trapped in unhappy relationships because of financial constraints.”